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How to Organize Your Home Renovation

The home renovation is a process that requires a lot of time, money and effort. However, it also gives you the opportunity to create an environment that is designed according to your needs and preferences. This means that you should be able to enjoy the place in which you live for many years to come.

When planning for a home renovation project, there are several things that you need to consider before getting started on the actual work. This includes deciding what kind of work needs to be done, how much time it will take and how much money you are willing to spend on this project.

It’s also important to get organized before starting any renovations so that everything goes smoothly without any complications along the way. Here are some ideas on how you can stay organized during this process:

1) Create a Schedule: When planning for a large project like this one, it’s important that you have some sort of schedule in mind so that all parties involved know what needs doing when throughout each day/week etc… It will also ensure everyone stays on track during their tasks without having any delays due to miscommunication between workers or other problems along those lines; so make sure everyone knows what they’re supposed.

Planning out your HVAC, electrical, and plumbing jobs can be a huge help when it comes to your house refurbishment or home renovation. If you’re going to the trouble of doing any kind of work on your house, why not make sure you get the most out of it?

Planning ahead lets you know what’s going to happen when, which means you can plan around those things that will have an effect on other parts of the project.

For example, if you’re doing electrical work and need to run cables through walls or ceilings, you might want to take care of that before starting on HVAC installation. That way there’s no chance that any dust or debris will get into your ductwork or pipes.

It also helps keep things organized! If you know where everything needs to go from the start, it’s easier to keep track of tools and materials throughout the process.

2) Get a contractor involved

If you’re dealing with structural issues or big changes like adding on to your house, it’s always best to hire a professional who knows what they’re doing. A good contractor can help you make decisions about what kind of renovations will best suit your needs and budget. They’ll also be able to provide estimates for each project you have in mind so that you know exactly what you’re getting into before moving forward with any plans.

And if you want to get the job done right the first time around, hire someone who specializes in home renovation—they’ll know exactly how to handle all of the intricacies of your particular project and will be able to help guide you through the process so that nothing gets overlooked.

3) Make sure all materials are available at once

If any part of your project requires materials that aren’t already on site, make sure they’re all ready before they need to be there! This includes things like paint colors, appliances, flooring and tiles—everything! Having all these things ready before they’re needed means fewer delays in getting started and finishing up faster too!

So make sure you have all of your materials ready before starting any work!

You might think that you can just start with the fun stuff—painting and decorating, choosing furniture, thinking about how to use your new space—but that’s not always the best way to go about it. If you do all that before you’ve planned for demolition, you might be stuck with an area of your house that’s not quite working for you, or worse, an area that isn’t safe for habitation.

When we renovate our own homes, we like to make sure we have a plan for demolition first. We’ll start by figuring out what needs to come down and then figuring out how long it will take us to get there. Then we’ll look at how much time we have left in which to get everything else done!

Warum reißt der Putz?

Risse im Putz sind oft Anzeichen für Schäden an der darunter liegenden Struktur. Obwohl Risse aufgrund des Alters der meisten Gebäude unvermeidlich sind, können sie auch auf strukturelle Schwächen hinweisen, die zu weiteren Problemen führen können, wenn sie nicht behoben werden. Warum also entstehen Risse im Putz? Gibt es Möglichkeiten, sie zu verhindern? Sind sie reparabel?

Dies sind einige der Punkte, die in diesem Artikel untersucht werden.

Warum bekommt Gips Risse?

Gips ist ein sprödes Material, mit dem sich zwar eine Vielzahl von Strukturen erzeugen lässt. Risse, die durch Temperaturschwankungen, Ausdehnung oder Schrumpfung verursacht werden, sind bei Gips üblich. Es gibt jedoch Maßnahmen, die Sie ergreifen können, um solche Risse zu verhindern.

Rissiger Putz ist ein häufiges Problem in älteren Häusern. Mehrere Faktoren können dieses Problem verursachen. Risse können durch thermische Bewegungen, Setzungen des Fundaments oder der Schwelle oder durch Feuchtigkeit über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg entstehen. Die Tiefe und Breite des Risses variiert je nach dem verwendeten Putz.

Aber das ist noch nicht alles. Einige der häufigsten Gründe für Risse im Putz sind:

– Schrumpfung des Putzes

– Trockenschwinden

– Strukturelle Risse

– Ablösung

– Schleifen

– Fehlende Härte

– Aufplatzen

– Ausdehnung des Putzes

Schrumpfung des Putzes

Als plastische Schwundrisse bezeichnet man einen Zustand, der in Wänden und Decken auftritt, wenn der Feuchtigkeitsgehalt in kurzer Zeit drastisch sinkt. Der Prozess des Auffangens und Entziehens von Wasser wird als Entfeuchtung bezeichnet.

Trockenes Schrumpfen

Trocknungsschwindungsrisse entstehen durch Verdunstung. Diese Risse treten häufig bei Materialien auf Zementbasis wie Gips und Stuck auf, die beim Austrocknen schrumpfen. Diese Risse bleiben stabil, wenn sie unbehandelt bleiben, sollten aber vor dem Anstrich gefüllt werden.

Strukturelle Risse

Strukturelle Risse werden durch Bewegungen des Fundaments, Feuchtigkeitsausdehnung, Schrumpfung der Ziegelmauer und Ausdehnung der Dachplatte verursacht. Diese Arten von Rissen bilden sich normalerweise in geraden, vertikalen oder diagonalen Linien.


Das Problem bei abgelöstem Putz ist, dass die äußere Schicht schneller schrumpft, wenn sie trocken ist, und die innere Schicht schneller schrumpft, wenn sie gut belüftet ist. Verputzte Wände klingen beim Abklopfen oft hohl, was auf einen Hohlraum zwischen den beiden Schichten hinweist. Der Unterschied in der Wärmeausdehnung der äußeren Putzschicht und der inneren Schicht führt zur Bildung eines Luftpolsters, das einen hohlen Klang erzeugt.

Wenn Sie ein Problem mit herabfallendem Putz haben, wenden Sie sich an eine professionelle Verputzfirma.

Why wooden sash windows are the most environmentally friendly

Wooden sash windows are the most environmentally friendly option for a number of reasons. Depending on whether you’re choosing between wooden sash windows or aluminium sash windows, and even less common, uPVC windows, there are various factors to consider when it comes to environmental impact.

Replacement, repair and recycling

If wooden sash windows are damaged, you can usually repair or repaint them without needing to replace the entire windows. Wooden sash windows are made from natural materials that are easily recyclable. They’re easy to repaint and can weather naturally, which means that they can last for decades longer than uPVC windows which have a limited lifespan. Timber, being a natural material, can be reused and recycled. Aluminium sash windows are also more easily recyclable than uPVC windows, which are made from synthetic materials that cannot be reused. Although aluminium windows will corrode over time and will need to be replaced, their life expectancy is expected to be 10 years longer than that of uPVC windows.


Wooden sash windows are far more long lasting, economical and environmentally friendly than other types of sash windows. Sourcing the timber carefully and treating it well can make even more of a difference to the environment. Wood is a renewable resource, so even if trees are cut down to make wooden sash windows, more will be planted elsewhere as part of an ongoing cycle.

Thermal efficiency

Improving insulation reduces energy consumption, which helps protect the environment and save on utility bills. Windows are a weak point in a property, because they are much more heat conductive than the surrounding walls. A good way to improve insulation is to fit draught proofing and double-glazing, as well as changing the material of the window frame. Wood is naturally good at insulating heat, but different timbers have different levels of thermal efficiency.

Tips for a Basement Remodeling

Most people value their home’s livable square footage. But what if budget constraints won’t allow for a spacious addition? Finishing the basement is one way to increase space without going over budget.

Look for cracks first, then pry gently.

Get a good idea of the condition of the foundation walls and floor. If you see cracks, take care of those first with a carbon fiber crack repair kit.

Add another floor, preferably a subfloor, under your present floor.

Contractors specializing in basement construction should create comfortable, warm and dry living spaces. They can achieve this by installing a ready-to-use engineered wood subfloor product that has a tongue and groove design for quick and easy installation. A product with a high R-value ensures the best insulation for the space.

Design carefully.

A basement design should be planned with the homeowner in order to ensure that both parties are on the same page. Before you begin any remodeling, you should sit down with your client and sketch out the room so that both of you have a design to reference.

Plan for good drainage.

Homes generally have main floor drains, but if these aren’t effective, several options exist. A French drain can be introduced into a basement, but this can be costly to go through the concrete slab. Drainage tiles can be installed right next to the home’s foundation wall, or at some distance away. The latter option is more laborious, messy and time-consuming since all the soil around the home must be dug up to the depth of the footings. A third option is a sump pump, which sits inside or outside the house and automatically activates when water levels in a collection pit start to rise.

How long does it take anhydrite screed to dry, and what are its benefits?

Anhydrite is a binder that has been used in sand and cement, as well as other products, since the early twentieth century. It has been adopted quickly to replace traditional binders in many applications, including concrete floor screeds.

Anhydrite, a naturally occurring mineral and by-product of other industrial processes, can now be produced sustainably.

Duropolymer has superior dimensional stability, outstanding mechanical strength and excellent heat conduction. This makes it an ideal material for use with underfloor heating systems. It also offers better flow characteristics than most other polymers used in underfloor systems, making it easier to install.

Ross Verity, director of ForceDry, says, “One of the most overlooked benefits of this product is its performance when given the right environment to dry. This product requires a basic temperature and humidity level to dry naturally, which is the same as more traditional sand and cement products. If these basic environmental needs are met, it will outperform its traditional competitors on drying times. For example, a 50mm anhydrite screed may take as little as 60 days to dry naturally.

Anhydrite screeds offer additional benefits to traditional sand and cement screeds. They are pumped onto a site, poured in situ, and do not require labor-intensive installation methods.

It is the rapid installation process, which reduces the number of people needed to install anhydrite screeds, that has contributed to their increasing popularity in the construction industry. Cutting labour costs and installation time are just two of the many benefits of anhydrite screeds.


If you’ve noticed your bath water is taking longer to drain, your sink is bubbling, or nasty odours are coming from the drains, you may be experiencing a clog. Your first instinct might be to grab a plunger or pour some store-bought cleaner down the drain. However, it’s best to leave drain unblocking to the professionals.


For homeowners dealing with clogged drains, a plumbing snake can be an appealing option. But while it can be tempting to rush out and buy one, not all plumbers recommend them. In fact, older homes with galvanized pipes are likely to experience more problems if a snake is used; according to some professional plumbers, these tools can actually cause cracks in the pipes, leading to water damage and leaks.


Homeowners often try to solve clogged drains by purchasing powerful drain cleaners at the supermarket. However, these drain cleaners are full of chemicals that can erode the cement that holds drainage piping together and cause permanent damage to a person’s health. Supermarket drain cleaners provide temporary relief but do not clear clogs completely, and they can make home plumbing problems worse than before.


Drains can pose health issues if you try to unblock them yourself because they are often home to bacteria such as E-Coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter Jejuni. You will need to wear protective clothing including goggles, gloves and face mask when attempting to clear a blockage yourself.

Even if you’ve successfully cleared a drain blockage before, given the risks involved it is optimum for your safety to leave it to the professionals.

Furnishing your home

When it comes to the interior design of your home, there are so many choices for the decor, furniture and accessories and furnishings. It is a difficult decision to make. If you are a person who likes change and would prefer to redecorate and buy new things every year, or someone who doesn’t like change and will keep their furnishings forever, an online furniture store UK can help with your choices.

Online furniture stores have a vast range of products, in a large range of designs, colours and materials, they also often offer the service of a design expert. If you are looking for something not found in the shop’s products, they can customise any design in terms of material and size, or they can design something unique and custom make it for you. For customers that like change, online stores can custom make furniture in the style you like with covers that can be removed and replaced with different colours and textures. Or there are many neutral colours available, you can buy the style of furniture you love in a neutral colour, and then, when you want to change you can change the look of the room by changing the colours of your accessories and furnishings, you could tie the colours in with the season’s trends. For customers that prefer not to make too many changes, the furniture is often quality, custom made and built to last, which will look good and last for many years to come.

Why You Should Render Your House

If you are browsing for the purpose to learn why you should render your home and what the benefits you’ll get once it’s done, then this article is just for you. By rendering the property, I don’t mean that we have to transform a property into a mud-and-wattle dwelling using clay and straw but it means that applying a coat of cement on the external walls of a property can be referred as rendering.

The first impression is the best impression, especially when you’re selling a property. The exterior of your home is the first thing that makes an impact on a visitor or potential buyer. So, if it doesn’t look appealing, then you may not get a fair deal.

You can make your property worth looking at with roughcast render Edinburgh without breaking the bank. Rendering can offer you a plethora of finishes, colors, textures, and styles to choose from in accordance with your budget and the style of your home.

Rendering adds protection to the exterior

When you choose quality render for exterior walls of your property, it adds an extra layer of protection against harsh weather conditions such as heavy rainfall or sun exposure. Aside from this, it also safeguards your walls from pests and cracks. In this way, rendering not only adds beauty to your property but also ensures its long life.

How to cooperate with professional contractor

When any builder comes to your home to build an house extension London, it can be a very exciting time. Sometimes they may just want to talk through your ideas, while others will want to get working straight away. However, one thing is for sure and that is they will want to talk you through the process and expectations of their work. If you are using a design and build specialist, then your timeline should also include how long architectural drawings and planning submission and approval take as this will all add to your timescales.

Once you have chosen and contacted your builder, you will need to arrange for them to come and visit the property so that they can assess the work that needs to be completed. This meeting is a great way for you to get an understanding of the work that needs doing, as it gives you the chance to ask any questions.

Once the builder has assessed the work required, they will provide you with a quote which details what they are going to do, how much time it will take and how much it is going to cost. You may receive a few quotes from different builders, so you can compare them against each other. It is important however not to just select the cheapest builder, but also look at their experience and reputation before deciding who you want to use.

Why You Need Bespoke Staircases

Stairs can be more than just a utilitarian way to get from one floor of a house to another. Increasingly, custom stairs have been popping up all over the world as a new architectural trend. They not only add character and functionality to any home or business but they can also be designed specifically for your body type, personal space requirements, and style.

If you want something truly unique and special, bespoke is the way to go. While it comes at a premium, a bespoke staircase will be individually designed for your space (and made with the specific materials of your choice), and no other type of staircase can touch that level of uniqueness or individuality.

  • You Can Customize Them 

Not everyone has the room for a grand staircase in their home, but it’s possible to have staircases made specifically to your requirements.

  • You can choose from more materials and styles than ever before

With an off-the-shelf staircase, you have a choice of materials such as steel, timber, and glass. Some makers will only work with select materials for their bespoke staircases. There are some limitations in terms of style and material with an off-the-shelf bespoke stairs uk.

  • You could save money

Bespoke stairs can be no more expensive than a set of open-stock shelves. Depending on your design preferences, the materials you select, and who you choose to do the installation, a bespoke staircase could be less expensive than an off-the-shelf purchase. For example, if you want a solid oak staircase but would have to source the rails and handrails from a supplier separately you could end up with a more expensive price tag than a bespoke option. Each project however requires a separate valuation. It would be best to contact a trusted bespoke staircase company.